HSMP Transitional Arrangement
Transitional Arrangements for the HSMP
Here you can get the information for people who are part-way through the process of applying to the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP), or who have permission to stay (known as ‘leave to enter’ or ‘leave to remain’) as a highly skilled migrant and want to extend their stay.
If your application was made on or before 28-February-2008
Your application will be processed.
Applications for permission to stay in the United Kingdom under HSMP made before 29-February-2008 will be decided in accordance with the immigration rules that were in place on 28-February-2008 even if the decision is reached after that date.
If your application for the approval letter of HSMP was made in the United Kingdom on or after 29-February-2008
Your application will not be processed and will be returned.
Transitional arrangements for those with an HSMP approval letter
If you have already got an HSMP approval letter, but have not applied for permission to enter or stay as a HSMP, you will automatically score points for your attributes and for English language because you have an HSMP approval letter.
You must fill in all other suitable sections of the relevant application form, including the maintenance (funds) section.
You will be charged a reduced fee for your application under the highly skilled worker category.
HSMP approval letters are valid for a period of 6 months from the date of issue.
Click here for more information
Visa Fee:
The latest fee of this type of Visa which has announced the UK border agency is £200.