Tier 5 YMS Temporary Workers
7 mins read

Tier 5 YMS Temporary Workers

Youth Mobility Scheme – Work in the UK for a Limited Time

Tier 5 will be phased in from November 2008 and will cover temporary workers and youth mobility. It will replace the current schemes of Working Holidaymaker, au pairs, BUNAC, the Gap Year entrants concession, the Japan: Youth Exchange Scheme and the concession for research assistants to MPs..

Tier 5 YMS will be made up of 5 sub-categories and the Youth Mobility scheme. These sub-categories include: Temporary workers – International Agreement; Temporary Workers – Charity Workers; Temporary Workers – Creative and Sporting; Temporary Workers – Religious Workers; and Temporary Workers – Government Authorized Exchange. of the general requirements for all of these sub-categories, a major requirement is that individuals are able to come to the UK for a maximum of 12 months (except for the Youth Mobility and International Agreement Schemes where successful applicants will get 24 months) in order to fine  temporary and short-term work, after which they will be expected to leave. Applicants under all Tier 5 sub-categories need to score 30 points for a valid certificate of sponsorship from a licensed UK employer (except the Youth Mobility Scheme), and 10 points for maintenance (having enough funds to support themselves in the UK – currently this is £800).

The youth mobility scheme is design for those young people from participating countries who would like to experience life in the UK..

The countries on the scheme now are:

  • Australia;
  • Canada;
  • Japan; and
  • New Zealand.

Under the YMS, your national government is your sponsor. British overseas citizens, British overseas territories citizens and British nationals (overseas) can also apply under this category and do not need a sponsor.


Who can apply under the youth mobility scheme?

To apply under the youth mobility scheme, you must be a national of a country taking part in the scheme, and have a valid national passport from that country, which will be all the evidence you need to show that you are sponsored by the government of your country to apply for a visa under the scheme.  (British overseas citizens, British overseas  territories citizens and British nationals (overseas) can also apply under the scheme and do not need to be sponsored.)

You can apply if you:

  • are a citizen of a country taking part in the scheme or a British overseas citizen, British overseas  territories citizen or a British national (overseas);
  • are 18 years old or over when your visa lets you come to the United Kingdom (becomes valid) and under  31 years old when you apply;
  •  have £1,600 in available maintenance (funds) when you apply .

Who cannot apply for YMS?

You are not eligible for YMS if you have:

  • children under 18 years old who are either living with you, or you are financially responsible for;
  • been in the United Kingdom at any other time as a working holidaymaker or under the youth mobility scheme.

You cannot apply for the youth mobility scheme if you are already in the UK.

While you are in the UK under the youth mobility scheme, you are not allowed to switch into any other category of the points-based system or in to a visitor route.

How long your permission to stay?

If you are given leave to remain under the youth mobility scheme, you will be able to live and work in the UK for a maximum time of 24 months.

You can leave and come back to the United Kingdom at any time during the length of your stay under the youth mobility scheme.

How many points you must score

Full details of these requirements are in the immigration rules at paragraphs 245ZI – 245ZL of part 6 which you can find on home office website. You must read the policy guidance before you apply under this category.

How many points you must score

You must score 50 points to be able to apply:

AttributesPoints available
Maintenance (funds)10

How many points you must score for nationality

You will score 30 points if you come from:

  • Australia;
  • Canada;
  • Japan;
  • New Zealand;
  • or are a British overseas citizen, British overseas territories citizen or a British national (overseas).

How many points you must score for your age

You will score 10 points if you are 18 years old or over when your visa lets you come to the United Kingdom (becomes valid) and under 31 years old when you apply.

How many points you must score for maintenance (funds)

You will score 10 points for having £1,600 in available maintenance (funds).

You must also confirm you have:

  • no children under 18 years old who are either living with you, or you are financially responsible for;
  • you have not been in the United Kingdom at any other time as a working holidaymaker or under the youth mobility scheme.

What is maintenance (funds)?

You must be able to support yourself for the length of your stay in the United Kingdom without claiming state benefits (public funds), otherwise you may face financial difficulties.

You should assess the potential costs of living in the United Kingdom. If you do not expect to get any income from working in the United Kingdom after the first month, you should make sure that you have enough funds to support yourself.

How Home Office assess maintenance (funds)

Evidence must be cash funds. Other accounts or financial instruments for example, shares, bonds, pension funds or agreed overdraft facilities are not acceptable as evidence of your maintenance (funds).

You must have the minimum level of maintenance (funds) available and score 10 points or your application will be refused.

Home Office will assess the funds using the OANDA exchange rate at the time the application was made.

Transitional arrangements

Who are the transitional arrangements for?

The transitional arrangements are for people who:

  • are in the United Kingdom under the old categories;
  • have applied under the old categories before 27 November and have not had a decision.

The old categories are:

  • the working holidaymaker rules;
  • the au pair rules for non-EEA nationals;
  • the BUNAC scheme;
  • the Japan youth exchange scheme;
  • gap year entrants working in the United Kingdom schools concession; and
  • members of parliaments’ research assistant concession; or

What are the transitional arrangements?

You can leave and re-enter the United Kingdom as long as you have permission to stay if:

  • you have a valid visa under these categories; or
  • you have permission to stay for more than six months given at a United Kingdom port.

If you have six months or less permission to stay and you leave the United Kingdom, you will not be able to come back to the United Kingdom.

Can you extend your stay?

You are not allowed to extend your stay under any of the above categories once they have been replaced by the youth mobility scheme.

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