Dependent Relative
Child or Dependent Relative of a Settled Person
Can I go to live with my parents in the UK as a child?
You may apply to join your parents in the UK as long as:
- your parents live and are settled in the UK legally, with no time limit on their stay, or are being admitted for settlement at the same time
- one parent is living and settled in the UK or is being admitted for settlement on the same occasion and has had sole responsibility for your upbringing
- your parents can support you without help from public funds;
- your parents have adequate accommodation, owned or occupied exclusively by them, where you can live without help from public funds
- you are their child (this includes the stepfather or stepmother of a child whose father or mother is dead, both the father and mother of an illegitimate child and an adoptive parent in certain defined circumstances)
How can I qualify to join my parents in the UK?
You, or your parent, must show that you are:
- under 18 years of age
- are not leading an independent life, are not married and have not formed an independent family unit
A child cannot normally go to live in the UK if one parent is living abroad, unless the parent in the UK has sole parental responsibility for the child, or if there are serious reasons why the child should be allowed to join the parent in the UK. (Exceptions may be made for children under 12 years of age.)
You must obtain a visa before you travel to the UK.
Can an adopted child go to the UK?
Yes it is possible for an adopted child to go to the UK however, the procedure is complex and legal advice should be sought before, embarking on such an application.Can parents, grandparents and other dependent relatives go to live in the UK?
If you are a widowed parent or grandparent of 65 or over, or parents or grandparents travelling together, of whom one is 65 or over, you may qualify if:
- you are wholly or mainly financially dependent on children or grandchildren living and settled in the UK
- you are without other close relatives in your own country to turn to
- your children or grandchildren can support you without help from public funds
- your children or grandchildren have adequate accommodation, owned or occupied exclusively by them, where you can live without help from public funds
If you are a parent or grandparent under the age of 65 you may qualify if:
- you are living in the most exceptional compassionate circumstances
- you are wholly or mainly financially dependent on children or grandchildren living and settled in the UK
- you are without other close relatives in your own country to turn to;
- your children or grandchildren can support you without help from public funds
- your children or grandchildren have adequate accommodation, owned or occupied exclusively by them, where you can live without help from public funds
It is almost impossible to qualify under this rule as what are “most exceptional circumstances” will depend on the facts of each individual case. Majority of these applications often result in refusal. However, there is a right of appeal. If you are over 18 with a parent settled in the UK, or you are a sister, brother, aunt, uncle or any other parent or grandparent of a relative settled in the UK you may qualify if you meet the above criteria, and in addition: