Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
The Highly Skilled Migrant Programme is now closed to new applicants. If you wish to work in the United Kingdom and are currently outside the United Kingdom or are here under a different immigration category, you should now apply as a highly skilled worker (Tier 1 General) under the points-based system.
However, if you made your application before 29 February 2008, before 31 March 2008 if you made your application in India, or before 30 June if you made your application from elsewhere, it will still be processed. If you meet the requirements, you will receive an HSMP approval letter. You can then use this letter to apply for permission to come to or stay in the United Kingdom as a highly skilled worker (Tier 1 General). For further details see Transitional arrangements for HSMP.
If you already have an HSMP approval letter, you can use it in your home country to apply for permission to come to the United Kingdom (known as entry clearance) as a highly skilled worker (Tier 1 General). For further details see Transitional arrangements for HSMP. If you have an HSMP approval letter but are not in a category that can switch into Tier 1 (General) while still in the United Kingdom, you can return to your home country and apply for entry clearance from there. For example, working holidaymakers cannot apply to switch into Tier 1 (General) while they are in the United Kingdom even if they already have an HSMP approval letter.
An HSMP approval letter is valid for six months.
Time spent in the United Kingdom under the HSMP may count towards the qualifying period for permanent residency (settlement) in the United Kingdom.